Holman, Lucy B
Assoc Provost for Teaching, Learning & Library Servs & Dean of the Library
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Where tomorrow’s health sciences libraries are growing,
Health Sciences Librarians of Illinois (HSLI) 2024-10-23
Navigating change: Academic libraries focused on student success,
Society of College and University Planners (SCUP), Southern Regional Conference 2024-10-14
Navigating Charted and Uncharted Waters: Academic Libraries and Graduate Student Success,
North Carolina Council of Graduate Schools Annual Meeting 2022-11-01
A 360 View of the 360 Review,
American Library Association Core Forum 2022-10-01
A 360 view of the 360 review,
American Library Association Core Forum 2022-10-01
The Art of War, the Art of Peace: Advocacy in Academic Libraries,
Association of College and Research Libraries Maryland Spring Meeting 2022-04-01
Systemic Racism and Oppression in Academic Libraries,
NC Live Webinar 2020-08-01
Systemic racism and oppression in academic libraries,
NC Live webinar 2020-08-01
Leading Through Change,
NC Live Regional Workshop 2020-03-01
Beyond the Commons: Moving from Co-location and collaboration to integration of learning services in academic libraries,
Association of College & Research Libraries Conference 2017-03-01
Beyond the Commons: Moving from co-location and collaboration to integration of learning services in academic libraries,
Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) conference 2017-03-01
Smarter, faster, better: Breaking down barriers and building a culture of innovation,
Towson Conference of Academic Librarians 2016-08-01
Smarter, faster, better: Breaking down barriers and building a culture of innovation,
Towson Conference of Academic Librarians 2016-07-01
Publics are from Mars, Academics are from Venus: Building bridges between library types,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2016-05-01
Publics are from Mars, Academics are from Venus: Building bridges between library types,
Maryland Library Association (MLA) Conference 2016-05-01
What we need to know about USMAI users,
University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions User Experience Conference 2016-03-01
What we need to know about USMAI users,
University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) User Experience Conference 2016-03-01
The value of the academic library,
UMBC Staff Development Day 2015-08-01
Data visualization for libraries,
Maryland Statistics Summit 2013-09-01
Become a wiz at dataViz,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2013-05-01
Getting the library job you want: Secrets from library leaders,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2012-05-01
Through the users’ eyes: Discovery tool usability,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2012-05-01
Case of the millennials’ mysterious searching habits,
Virginia Library Association Conference 2009-10-01
Case of the millennials’ mysterious searching habits.,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2009-05-01
Millennial students’ mental models of search tools,
Association of College & Research Libraries Conference 2009-03-01
Leadership toolkit: Teambuilding,
Maryland Library Association (MLA) Conference 2008-11-01
Comparison of Wikipedia and other encyclopedias,
Academic & Research Libraries Division Fall Meeting 2008-10-01
DIY usability,
Maryland Library Association Conference 2007-05-01
Teaching about academic integrity: What happens in college,
Maryland Educational Media Organization Conference 2005-10-01