Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Beyond Reliance: Internal Auditors’ Perceptions of Their Relationships with External Auditors. Current Issues in Auditing. 2024-10-01
- How Internal Audit Can Thrive in the New Accounting Landscape. Internal Auditing. 1.2:35-38. 2024-01-01
- Choosing an Accounting Firm: Perspectives From New Accounting Hires. New Accountant. 790:6-8. 2022-12-01
- Environmental, Social, and Governance Considerations for Internal Auditors. Internal Auditing. 21-26. 2022-11-01
- The Pandemic and Internal Audit: A 2022 Update Internal Auditing. . 2022-03-01
- The 2020/Covid-19 Environment and Internal Audit Internal Auditing. Internal Auditing. July/August:6-14. 2020-08-01
- Downsizing Internal Audit: Saving Costs or Sacrificing Future Performance?. Internal Auditing. 2020-05-01
- Where is Public Company Auditing Headed?. CPA Journal. 54-59. 2020-02-01
- Internal Auditor Insights From Recent PCAOB Inspection Reports. Internal Auditing. July/Aug 2019. 2019-01-01
- An analysis of auditors' perceptions related to fair value estimates. The Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance. 28:18-37. 2017-04-01
- Auditors' insights regarding U.S. GAAP - IFRS convergence. New Accountant. 4 & 21-23. 2016-07-01
- The Effects of Information Technology Innovativeness on Audit Efficiencies. Review of Business Information Systems. 19:25-38. 2015-06-01
- Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Related to the Statement of Cash Flows. The CPA Journal. December:29-33. 2012-12-01
- Material Weaknesses in Internal Control Related to Loans and Receivables.. Internal Auditing. July/August:16-26. 2012-07-01
- Still trying to solidify FCPA compliance? Now you have the UK bribery act to worry about!. Internal Auditing. 3-10. 2011-10-01
- Implementing generalized audit software in the classroom. AIS Educator Journal. 4:82. 2009-12-01
- A Longitudinal Study of New Staff Auditors’ Initial Expectations, Experiences, and Subsequent Job Perceptions. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research. 12:145-183. 2009-07-01
- The First Two Year of Employment: Strategies and Pitfalls. The CPA Journal. July:69-72. 2009-07-01
- Interviewing Tips from the Experts. New Accountant. 5-6,26. 2009-06-01
- Remediation of Material Weaknesses Related to Employee Compensation. The CPA Journal. April:28-33. 2009-04-01
- The Tone at the Top: Insights from Section 404. Strategic Finance. November:39-45. 2008-11-01
- SOX Section 404 Material Weaknesses Realted to Revenue Recognition. The CPA Journal. October:40-45. 2008-10-01
- Building an Effective Internal Audit Function: Learning from SOX 404 Reports. Review of Business. 28:13-28. 2008-05-01
- Disaster recovery planning: What section 404 audits reveal. The CPA Journal. December:60-62. 2007-12-01
- Accounting software selection and satisfaction: A comparative analysis of vendor and user perceptions. Review of Business Information Systems. 3rd quarter:43-52. 2007-09-01
- Accounting Software Selection and User Satisfaction. The CPA Journal. 26-31. 2007-05-01
- IT-related material weaknesses in internal control: Initial evidence from Sox section 404 reports. Review of Business Information Systems. 1st quarter:17-24. 2007-01-01
- The stock option scandal: a comprehensive guide for internal auditors. Internal auditing. 3-17. 2006-11-01
- Sustainability Reporting: Implications for Internal Auditors. INTERNAL AUDITING / Thomson Reuters. 19. 2004-04-01
- Young CPAs Undaunted by Scandals. CPA Journal. 62-64. 2004-01-01
- Systems analysis and design: Using experiential projects to enhance learning. Review of Business Information Systems. Fall:13-30. 2003-10-01
- Additional Opportunities for Internal Auditors in IT Implementations. Internal Auditing. 35-39. 2003-04-01
- Business students' computer attitudes and usage: evidence from introductory accounting students. Journal of business and economic perspectives. 35-47. 2003-04-01
- Don't Run the Risk. The Journal of Accountancy. 194:page 47 et seq.. 2002-12-01
- Keep it private!: The effect of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act on CPAs and their clients. Tennessee CPA Journal. December:26-29. 2002-12-01
- Privacy and information security: A guide to compliance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley act. Internal Auditing. September/October:3-7. 2002-10-01
- Who Are We Hiring? Characteristics of Accounting Hires in the New Millenium. CPA Journal. 67-69. 2002-08-01
- Strategies for promoting internal auditing on college campuses. Internal Auditing. January/February:35-41. 2002-02-01
- The M&A Game Changes. Financial Executive. 22-25. 2001-10-01
- Establishing effective comping procedures. The Journal of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals. March:10-12. 2001-03-01
- Recent SEC Regulations Have Impact for the Gaming Industry. Journal of Hospitality and Technology Professionals. 2001-03-01
- Auditor Independence: A bit more rope. Financial Executive. 18-22. 2001-01-01
- Internal audit outsourcing in the gaming industry. Internal Auditing. 8-12. 2001-01-01
- Recent SEC regulations have implications for the gaming industry. The Bottomline: The Journal of Hospitality Financial and Technology Professionals. 16:6-9. 2001-01-01
- Zacha Technology Corporation : Internal control assurance service reporting issues in an e-commerce environment. Issues in Accoutning Education. 16:473-507. 2001-01-01
- An exploratory analysis of the 1989 megamergers within the accounting profession. Accounting Horizons. 14:389-401. 2000-01-01
- Using benchmarking techniques in academia: Building a gaming education program. Gaming Research & Review Journal. 5:47-59. 1999-01-01
- Employee cafeterias: Recent events impact employers and employees. Taxes: The Tax Magazine. 15-25. 1998-08-01
- New accounting standards and the small business. The CPA Journal. July:22-25. 1997-07-01
- Accounting, tax, and regulatory issues related to progressive casino games. The Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants. 11-15. 1997-02-01
- New developments in gaming taxation and regulation: An update. Gaming Research and Review Journal. 3:25-38. 1997-01-01
- Improving students' understanding of the importance of economic consequences in standard setting: A computerized spreadsheet tool. Journal of Business Education. November/December:107-112. 1996-12-01
- The effect of SFAS No. 115 on financial statement analysis. Ohio CPA Journal. December:32-37. 1996-12-01
- Integrating gaming issues and topics into the curriculum: A new industry on the hospitality education horizon. Hospitality and Tourism Educator. 73-75. 1996-04-01
- Perceived expectations and resources associated with new accounting faculty positions. Accounting Perspectives. Spring:55-73. 1996-04-01
- Increased productivity and automatic shuffling devices. Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants. Janaury:24-27. 1996-01-01
- Strategies for recruiting the best and brightest students into accounting: Report of the AAA teaching and curriculum section's committee on attracting the "best and brightest" students into accounting. Journal of Accounting Education. 14:347-365. 1996-01-01
- The economic impact on international differences in accounting and tax treatments of goodwill: How are prospective acquirers of U.S. hospitality interests affected?. The Journal of Hospitality Financial Management. 4:21-31. 1996-01-01
- Understanding and preparing for outside audits. Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants. October/November:18-22. 1995-11-01
- Are America's top business students steering clear of accounting?. The Ohio CPA Journal. 26-30. 1995-04-01
- Attracting African American honor students into accounting. Management Accounting. 16. 1995-01-01
- Casino surveillance: Internal control structure and beyond. The Journal of the International Association of Hospitality Accountants. 30-33. 1995-01-01
- Contemporary tax issues in the gaming industry. Gaming Research and Review Journal. 2:31-42. 1995-01-01
- Mitigating inadequate security claims through effective security measures. Gaming Research and Review Journal. 2. 1995-01-01
- Effective screening of potential clients. The National Public Accountant. June:37-39. 1994-06-01
- TQM in the classroom. Management Accounting. October:14-15. 1992-10-01
- Accounting Software Selection and Satisfaction: A Survey of Accounting Professionals. The CPA Journal. January:66-72.
- Accounting Principles. Textbook Media. 2018-01-01
- Financial Accounting. Textbook Media. 2018-01-01
- Managerial Accounting. Textbook Media. 2018-01-01
- Instructors' Resource Guide: Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01
- Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01
- PowerPoint Slides: Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01
- Study Guide: Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01
- Test Bank: Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01
- Working Papers: Managerial Accounting: A Decision Focus. Freeload Press. 2006-01-01