Selected Publications
Academic Article
- “Reconstruction and Historical Allusion,” in American Discord: The Republic and Its People in the Civil War Era. Louisiana State University Press. 2020-01-01
- Giving Flight to Imagination: 70 Years of Excellence 1947-2017. University of North Carolina Wilmington. 2017-01-01
- Review of Mark Hersey and Ted Steinberg, ed. A Field on Fire: The Future of Environmental History in Kansas History. . 2021-01-01
- Review of Mark Kinzer, Nature’s Return: An Environmental History of Congaree National Park in Journal of Southern History. . 2019-01-01
- Review of John Williams, The Untold Story of the Lower Colorado Authority in Journal of Southern History. . 2017-01-01
- Review of Peggy Macdonald, Marjorie Harris Carr: Defender of Florida's Environment in Journal of Southern History. . 2015-01-01