Halls, Joanne N
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When Research Co-production is the Only Option: A Success Story of Co-production to Support Nature-based Solution Implementation in Flood-affected Coastal Communities ,
Open Science Meeting (OSM) of the Global land Program 2024-11-01
Using GIS to Better understand access to follow-up stroke care. International Stroke Conference ,
International Stroke Conference 2022-02-01
Mapping Coastal Wetlands: A Field Work Design that Compliments Drone Lidar Data Processing ,
North Carolina Arc Users Group Annual Conference 2021-09-01
Constructing a coastal plains wetland delineation model using hyperspatial LiDAR data ,
IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2021 2021-07-01
Assessment of Vertical Vegetation Structure Metrics in Complex Forested Wetlands Using UAS-borne LiDAR Technology ,
GEOINTegration Summit 2020-09-28
Enhancing socio-ecological resilience in low elevated coastal zones subject to recurrent inundation ,
4th Open Science Meeting of the Global Land Programme 2019-04-24
Assessment of flood risk and simulations of wetland change in a coastal setting of high population growth ,
American Association of Geographers Annual Conference 2019-04-03
Investigating the transition from freshwater to saltwater wetlands in southeastern North Carolina using GIS, remote sensing, and state-and-transition simulation software ,
American Association of Geographers Annual Conference 2019-04-03
Multi-Temporal Assessment of Socio-Economic Characteristics in the United States and Potential Flood Inundation ,
American Association of Geographers Annual Conference 2019-04-03
UAV/Drone Technology and Spatial Metrics for the Coastal Zone ,
Southeastern Geological Society of America Session organizers 2019-03-28
Coastal Resiliency: Vulnerability, Risk, and Experiences ,
North Carolina GIS Conference 2019-02-27
Exploring collaborations around geospatial analysis (GIS) related to health issues and data ,
UNCW’s College of Health and Human Services monthly Coffee Research Meeting 2018-04-20
Investigating Parkinson's disease in the United States: An exploration of environmental and socio-economic variables and distance to treatment centers ,
American Association of Geographers Annual Conference 2018-04-10
An Automated Model to Classify Barrier Island Geomorphology using Lidar Data ,
Proceedings of the 2nd Electronic Conference on Remote Sensing 2018-03-22
Geospatial and Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Applications to Environmental Research ,
Coastal Ecosystem Studies Unit Annual Forum 2018-03-01
It’s Complicated: The spatial relationship between wealth and flood risk ,
UNCW Research Showcase 2017-11-20
Geospatial Analysis Techniques in the Coastal Zone: Submerged and emergent habitat mapping, barrier island geomorphology, marine and terrestrial animal movement patterns and predictive modeling, integrating field work and satellite imagery, flood risk and population change ,
UNCW Global Marine Science Summit 2017-11-06
Barrier Island Geomorphology: An Automated Geospatial Model to Derive Features and Compute Displacement and Movement Through Time ,
American Association of Geographers 2017-04-05
Investigating the relationship between Parkinson’s disease and environmental and socioeconomic variables ,
UNCW College of Health and Human Services Research and Innovation Day 2017-03-27
Assessing the pre-restoration impacts of southwest Florida estuaries using trophic transfer and habitat use ,
ASLO 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2017-02-26
Effective Emergency Sheltering: A GIS Approach to Shelter Location Analysis and Population Allocation for Eastern NC ,
Sea Level Rise Risk and Social Vulnerability 2016-04-30
Modeling the Nesting Suitability of Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta) in North Carolina Using Geospatial Technologies ,
International Sea Turtle Conference 2016-03-02
Spatial distribution of red fox dens in comparison with sea turtle nests, environmental characteristics, and recreation activity on an uninhabited barrier island ,
International Symposium on Society and Resource Management 2015-06-13
GIS Opportunities in the UNC System ,
NC GIS Conference 2015-02-26
The impacts of urban and suburban stormwater runoff on selected metabolic processes in a southeastern North Carolina tidal creek ,
Southeast Estuarine Research Society 2014-11-07
Mapping Submerged and Emergent Coastal Habitats in an Urbanized Tidal Creek Watershed ,
Geological Society of America 2014-10-18
Field Survey and Analysis of Emergent and Submerged Habitats in Semi-Developed and Urbanized Tidal Creek Watersheds ,
Association of American Geographers 2014-04-08
Satellite Imagery, GIS, and Spatial Analysis Techniques for Detecting Changes on a Barrier Island ,
Duke Marine Lab 2014-01-22
Assessing the response of pre- and post-beach protection and projected shoreline change in the Rosetta Promontory, Nile Delta. ,
UNCW GIS-Day 2013-11-01
An Investigation of Changes in Barrier Islands Using 3D Modeling ,
SEDAAG Annual Conference 2012-11-21
An Investigation of Changes in Barrier Islands Using 3D Modeling ,
Association of American Geographers Annual Conference 2011-04-13
Using Geographic Information Systems in Natural Disaster Management: An Example from the Haiti Earthquake of January, 2010 ,
Great Decisions 2011-01-18
A Geospatial Comparison of Shoreline Erosion, Island Topography, and Land Cover at Selected Sites in North Carolina ,
Association of American Geographers Annual Conference 2010-04-15
A Geospatial Comparison of Shoreline Erosion, Island Topography, and Land Cover at Selected Sites in North Carolina 2010-04-14
An Investigation of Barrier Island Topographic Characteristics Using LIDAR and GPS Mapping Techniques ,
SEDAAG Conference 2009-11-19
Investigation of NC Statewide Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs in Geographic Information Science: Ideas for the Future of GIS in North Carolina ,
NC GIS Conference 2009-02-19
Techniques for Assessing and Predicting Coastal Habitat Change ,
Association of American Geographers: Advancing Geography in Partnership with You 2008-04-16
Research Overview
Spatial analysis of coastal land use development, marine mammals, birds, barrier islands, marshes, tidal creeks, social vulnerability and equity, and Web mapping tools for information dissemination and visualization.
Principal Investigator On
Co-principal Investigator On
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
beginner, intermediate and advanced geospatial technologies