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Evaluating a Solution Focused Wellness Intervention with Adults in a Residential Substance Abuse Recovery Community,
CHHS Research and Innovation Poster Showcase 2024-04-01
A Discussion of Evidence Based Practice,
Penn Doctoral Seminar 2022-03-01
Social Construction and Social Work Practice,
Taos Book Presentation 2021-04-01
A Discussion of Evidence Based Practice,
Penn Doctoral Seminar 2021-03-01
LCSW Supervision,
Field Seminar 2020-06-01
Discussion of the History and Origin of Narrative,
Narrative Therapy 2019-11-01
LCSW Requirement Seminar,
Field Seminar 2019-10-01
How experienced social work practitioners make clinical decisions in real world settings,
Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018-07-01
Qualitative examination of the perceived effectiveness of solution focused techniques in child welfare,
Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018-07-01
Strengthening police community relations: Exploration of the perceived effectiveness of a community engaged policing effort,
Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018-07-01
The role of resilience and resilience theory in solution-focused practice,
Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018-07-01
Evidence and Effectiveness of Practice,
The Optimal Aging Conference 2018-06-01
Postmodern curriculum development and pedagogy,
International Transforming Social Work Conference 2018-04-12
Narratives and Aging: Helping with Narrative Therapy,
Optimal Aging 2017-07-20
Benefits and Barriers to Innovative Efforts in the Academy,
CHHS Research and Innovation Day 2017-03-27
Qualitative Investigation of the Perceived Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Techniques in Child Welfare Services,
UNCW: School of Education Violence Conference 2016-12-01
Research Educators’ Applied Learning Collaborative: An Interprofessional Approach to Courses in Research Methods,
Solution Focused Brief Therapy Association Annual Conference 2016-11-01
Social constructions and the global partnership for transformative social work,
CSWE Annual Program Meeting 2016-11-01
Narrative therapy with and optimal aging,
The Optimal Aging Conference 2016-06-01
Enhancing ethics and diversity in social work practice,
Global Social Work Conference 2016-03-01
Social work ethics, Diversity, and Refugee Panel,
Global Social Work Conference 2016-03-01
Solution-Focused Techniques in Schools and the Criminal Justice System,
Dropout Coalition 2015-12-01
The vortex of memory and postmodernism,
The Global Partnership for Transformative Social Work Conference 2015-10-01
Institutional Innovation: Piloting the Community Engagement Research Fellowship Program (CERF),
CHHS Research Day 2015-04-01
Challenges and possibilities: Social work values, ideas and life,
Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry Conference 2014-10-01
How Experienced Social Work Practitioners Make Clinical Decisions in Real World Settings,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2014-04-01
Increasing the complexity of clinical class discussions and group supervision through experiential exercises,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2014-04-01
Practice Ethics: Reducing Practitioner Privilege in the Therapeutic Relationship Utilizing Feminist Informed Practice and Outcomes,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2014-04-01
Qualitative Investigation of the Perceived Effectiveness of Solution-Focused Techniques in Child Welfare Services,
College of Health and Human Services Research Day 2014-04-01
Postmodernism in a modern world,
Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry Conference 2013-04-01
Problematizing Progress: Critically Engaging Dominant Practices,
Taos Institute 20th Anniversary Conference 2013-04-01
Reducing Practitioner Privilege in the Therapeutic Relationship: Feminist-Informed Practice and Outcomes,
Taos Institute 20th Anniversary Conference 2013-04-01
Strength-based, feminist-informed clinical practice: Evidence and support,
Counsel on Social Work Education 2012-10-01
Practice ethics and client understandings,
The Clinical Relief Institute 2012-07-01
Postmodernism in a modern world,
Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry Conference 2011-10-01
Reducing practitioner privilege in the therapeutic relationship,
Pedagogy of Privilege Conference 2011-08-01
A feminist exploration of evidence-based practice,
CSWE Annual Program Meeting 2009-10-01
Jokes, straight talk, and warmth: A study of how male social workers support each 13 other,
National Conference on Social Work With and For Men 2009-04-01
Ethics and the non-activist male social worker: How men could help,
CSWE Annual Program Meeting 2008-10-01
Men at (Social) Work,
National Association of Social Work Summer Clinical Institute 2008-07-01
The Male Social Work Practitioner Experience as a Gender Minority in a Female Dominated Profession,
National Conference on Social Work With and For Men 2008-04-01
The ethicality of the non-activist male social work practitioner,
9th Annual Ending Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Conference 2007-12-01
Six applications of social constructionist theory to graduate curriculum,
Annual Program Meeting 2007-10-01
Social Constructionism: A Unifying Metaperspective for Social Work,
National Symposium on Doctoral Research in Social Work 2007-05-01
Strength-Based International Journal of Social Work: Possibilities,
Invitational Conference: Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry 2006-10-01
Transforming Transformation: A three-day invitational discussion with Ann Weick, Nigel Parton, Sally Ann Roth, Suzy Comerford, Amy Rossiter, Peggy Sax, & Bob Blundo,
Invitational Conference: Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry 2006-10-01
Parents Achieving Through Collaborative Teams (PACT), Presentation to Marriage and Family Therapy Conference,
Marriage and Family Therapy Conference 2006-07-01
Parents Achieving with Collaborative teams (PACT): A Model Program for High Conflict Families,
5th Annual Hawaii Conference on social sciences 2006-06-01
Evidence of effectiveness for child welfare,
Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children 2004-11-01
Postmodern therapeutic approaches: New ways of understanding,
The Counseling Associates of Southern Indiana 2004-11-01
Social work as discourse: A three-day invitational discussion with Stanley Witkin, Phebe Sessions, Adrienne Chambon, Ruth Dean, Marli Souza, Roberta Iverson, Cecilia Chan, Gale Wood & Dianne Butra,
Invitational Conference: Transforming Social Work Practice, Education and Inquiry 2002-10-01
Training development: A narrative intervention for substance abusers and their families 2001-06-01
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