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Semi-Lagrangian forward methods for time-dependent nonlinear partial differential equations.,
UNC Greensboro Partial Differential Equations Conference of 2021 2021-07-01
SIMA (System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere) Community Workshop 2020,
SIMA (System for Integrated Modeling of the Atmosphere) Community Workshop 2020 2020-07-01
The 25th Annual CESM (COMMUNITY EARTH SYSTEM MODEL) Workshop 2020-06-01
Semi-Lagrangian Methods for Incompressible Navier- Stokes Equations.,
Invited talk at Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2018-07-01
High-Order Semi- Lagrangian Methods for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations.,
The 12th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems 2018-07-01
High-Order Semi- Lagrangian Methods for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations.,
The 12th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equation and Application 2018-07-01
Numerical Solutions of Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equations.,
Thirty-Seventh Southeastern-Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations 2017-10-01
Semi-Lagrangian Forward Method for Time-Dependent Partial Differential Equation,
The 11th AIMS International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equation and Application 2016-07-01
Numerical Solution of Differential Equations in Fluid Dynamics.,
35th Southeastern Atlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations 2015-10-01
New development of numerical computation in fluid dynamics.,
Invited talk at Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2015-07-01
New development of numerical computation in fluid dynamics.,
The Symposium of Numerical Simulation in High Performance Computing Applications 2015, Chinese Academy of Sciences 2015-07-01
On the convergence and stability of semi-Lagrangian methods for time-dependent partial differential equations.,
MAA-SE Conference at University of North Carolina Wilmington 2015-03-01
general mathematical topics and applications of mathematics II.,
MAA-SE Conference at University of North Carolina Wilmington 2015-03-01
Second order fully discretized projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.,
The 10th Mississippi State Conference on Differential Equations & Computational Simulations 2014-10-01