Grimes, Derek Jeffrey
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Identification of Boat Wakes Using Spectral Analysis & Neural Networks,
NSF REU Poster Session 2023-07-01
Surfzone Peaks and Closeouts: Breaking-Wave Crest-Lengths and the Associated Rotational (Eddy) Forcing,
Fall AGU Meeting 2022-12-01
Computer Vision Applied to Webcams for Quantitative Analysis of Vessel Activities,
Young Coastal Scientists & Engineers Conference-Americas 2022-11-01
The Effects of Boat Traffic on Intracoastal Stratification,
NSF REU Poster Session 2022-07-01
Surf-zone alongshore tracer transport, dilution, and spreading over long distance and time,
Fall AGU Virtual Meeting 2020-12-01
Transient rip-current exchange across the stratified inner- shelf,
Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) 2020-02-01
Influence of diurnal thermal forcing on transient rip-current induced tracer exchange nearshore,
International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Thematic Session on Vortex Dynamics 2019-08-01
Cross-shore advection and deformation of a surf-zone dye release by the internal tide,
OSM 2018-02-01
Observations of cross–surf-zone/inner-shelf dye exchange from aerial hyperspectral and in situ data,
Fall AGU Meeting 2016-12-01
Down by the CSIDE: aerial hyperspectral and in situ observations of a nearshore dye release,
OSM 2016-02-01
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