Selected Publications
Academic Article
- The Effect of Catholic Education on Economic Ideology. Religions. 14. 2023-01-01
- Validating the Effectiveness of a Locally Developed Assurance of Learning Assessment. Journal of Education for Business. 95:216-226. 2019-07-01
- Leverage Emotional Intelligence with Cultural Intelligence. Industrial Management. 60:25-30. 2018-05-01
- Emotional Intelligence Dilutes the Toxins. Industrial Engineer. 45:30-35. 2013-06-01
- A meta-analysis of positive humor in the workplace. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 27:155-190. 2012-01-01
- Effects of Interdependence and Social Interaction-Based Person-Team Fit. Administrative Sciences. 2:26-46. 2012-01-01
- Evaluating and Improving the Assessment of Undergraduate Student Writing In a School of Business at a Large Regional University. Journal of Effective Teaching. 11:54-73. 2011-10-01
- Is Your Organization a Target?. Industrial Management Institue of Industrial Engineers. 15-20. 2010-11-01
- Personal Values and Performance in Teams: An Individual and Team-Level Analysis. Small Group Research. 40:670-693. 2009-12-01
- Corpreneurship: Dare to Create Your Future. Industrial Management - The Institute for Industrial Engineers. 12-17. 2008-09-01
- Carpe Futurum: Anticipatory Management Cannot Be Compromised. Industrial Engineer - The Institute of Industrial Engineers. 34-38. 2008-08-01
- Becoming an Ever-Evolving Enterprise. Industrial Management -The Institute of Industrial Engineers. 22-26. 2008-05-01
- Is Your Organization Learning-Impaired?. Industrial Management - Institute for Industrial Engineers. 27-30. 2008-03-01
- Exceptional Implementers. Industrial Management - The Institute of Industrial Engineers. 14-20. 2007-09-01
- The genesis of relationships: Boundary spanners' appraisals of the career entry transition. Journal of Relationship Marketing. 3:5-24. 2004-07-01
- Organization-motivated aggression: A research framework. Academy of Management Review. 21:225-253. 1996-01-01
- Participation in organizations: A preview of the issues and proposed framework for future analysis. Journal of Management. 21:395-421. 1995-01-01
- The genesis of relationships: Boundary spanners' appraisals of the career entry transition. Internal Relationship Management: Linking Human Resources to Marketing Performance. 2004-12-01
- Response to Howard and Voss. Academy of Management Review. 922-924. 1996-10-01
- Comparative analysis for eight negotiation simulations. Dispute Resolution Research Center: Negotiation, Teamwork and Decision Making Teaching Materials. 2008-01-01