Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Writing Across Identity Elements: An Interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith, William Alexander, and Kekla Magoon. The ALAN Review. 45:74-78. 2018-01-01
- Writing across identity elements: An interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith, William Alexander, and Kekla Magoon. The ALAN Review. 45:74-79. 2017-01-01
- Interview With David Macinnis Gill, About Soul Enchilada. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 54:380-382. 2011-02-01
- The Professor is an Author. Teacher Librarian. 38:54-56. 2010-12-01
- From Blogging to Tweeting. Voice of Youth Advocates. 32:108-110. 2009-06-01
- A lawyer she was, an author she is: an interview with Cynthia Leitich Smith. Teacher Librarian. 35:64-65. 2008-06-01
- Bookseller, teacher, writer: an interview with Lewis Buzbee. Teacher Librarian. 35:66-67. 2008-04-01
- Master storyteller: an interview with Rene Saldana. Teacher Librarian. 35:58-59. 2008-02-01
- The award winner speaks: an interview with Mary Pearson.. Teacher Librarian. 35:60-61. 2007-12-01
- We won the girl: an interview with Debra Garfinkle. Teacher Librarian. 35:p58-59. 2007-10-01
- True talent: an interview with David Lubar.. Teacher Librarian. 34:62-63. 2007-06-01
- Giving Peace a Chance: Gandhi and King in the English Classroom. English Journal. 89:74-77. 2000-05-01
- Giving Peace a Chance: Gandhi and King in the English Classroom.. English Journal. 89:74-78. 2000-05-01
- Split Up the English Curriculum for Better Writing Skill. Education Digest. 65:61-64. 2000-04-01
- “Division of Labor: Improving Writing Skills by Changing the High School English Curriculum” (reprint).. The High School Magazine. 7:47-49. 2000-03-01
- A National Survey of the Use of Multicultural Young Adult Literature in University Courses. The ALAN Review. 27:48-50. 2000-01-01
- “Teaching Shakespeare in the Middle School.”. Tennessee Middle School Journal. 2000-01-01
- “To the Lighthouse: The Problem with Full-Steam Ahead Education Reform.”. American School Board Journal. 186:45-46. 1999-09-01
- “Young Adult Literature Web Sites.”. Reading Online. 1999-04-01
- Young Adult Literature for Young Adult Males. The ALAN Review. 26:61-63. 1999-01-01
- “Assessing Forms of Text Using Electronic Portfolios". Virginia English Bulletin. 1998-10-01
- “Wired for Sound and Graphics and Text: Electronic Portfolio Assessment in the Language Arts Classroom". FOCUS: Southeastern Ohio Council of English Teachers. 1998-10-01
- “ Portfolios and the Tennessee Language Arts Standards.”. Tennessee Educator. 1998-04-01
- Aidan Chambers: Monk, Writer, Critic. The ALAN Review. 25:11-12. 1997-10-01
- Uncanny, a novel. HarperCollins. 2017-09-01
- Ironville Inferno. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2014-04-01
- Tin City Tinder, a novel. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2014-04-01
- Shadow on the Sun, a novel. Greenwillow Books. 2013-04-01
- Rising Sun, a novel. HarperCollins. 2013-02-01
- Rising Sun, a novella. HarperCollins. 2013-02-01
- Black Hole Sun, a novel. HarperCollins. 2010-08-01
- Soul Enchilada, a novel. HarperCollins. 2009-04-01
- GrahamSalisbury: Island Boy. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. 2005-10-01
- Curriculum of Peace, A: Selected Essays from English Journal. National Council of Teachers of English.. 2004-01-01
- “About Shelley Stoehr.” In Writers for Young Adults. Holiday House. 1999-01-01
- "Praise the Lord and Pass the Little Debbies" -- Rural Voices: 15 Authors Challenge Assumptions About Small-Town America. Candlewick Press. 337. 2020-10-01
- Boy Mercury - An Antebellum Steampunk Tale: Episode One - The Welding. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2014-04-01
- Broken Circles & Other Stories, A Collection. Kindle Direct Publishing. 2014-04-01
- Soul Enchilada, an audiobook. Brilliance Audio. 2009-05-01
- Your Reading: An Annotated Booklist for Middle School and Junior High. National Council of Teachers of English.. 2003-01-01
- Clockwork (reprint). In A Complete Guide to Young Adult Literature: Over 100 Critiques and Synopses from the ALAN Review. Heinemann. 2000-01-01
- Review of Jungle Dogs. (reprint) A Complete Guide to Young Adult Literature: Over 100 Critiques and Synopses from the ALAN Review. Heinemann. 2000-01-01