Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Detecting Woody Plants in Southern Arizona Using Data from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). Remote Sensing. 15:98. 2022-12-01
- Monitoring the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Urban Green Space and Its Impacts on Thermal Environment in Shenzhen City from 1978 to 2018 with Remote Sensing Data.. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 87:81-89. 2021-11-01
- Discovering Vegetation Recovery and Landslide Activities in the Wenchuan Earthquake Area with Landsat Imagery.. Sensors. 21:5243. 2021-08-01
- Valuable clues for DCNN-based landslide detection from a comparative assessment in the Wenchuan earthquake area.. Sensors. 21:5191. 2021-07-01
- Robust Projections of Future Fire Probability for the Conterminous United States.. Science of The Total Environment. 789:147872. 2021-05-01
- Mapping the Sensitivity of Agriculture to Drought and Estimating the Effect of Irrigation in the United States, 1950–2016.. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 292–293:108124. 2020-10-01
- Climate Change Projected to Reduce Prescribed Burn Opportunities in the Southeastern US.. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 764-778. 2020-06-01
- Monitoring the Detailed Dynamics of Regional Thermal Environment in a Developing Urban Agglomeration.. Sensors. 20:197. 2020-02-01
- A Specific Study on the Impacts of PM2.5 on Urban Heat Islands with Detailed In Situ Data and Satellite Images.. Sustainability. 11:7075. 2019-12-01
- Travel Safety on Acadia National Park Roadways.. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 37. 2019-12-01
- Landslide Mapping with Remote Sensing: Challenges and opportunities.. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 41:1555-1581. 2019-10-01
- Mapping the agricultural drought based on the long-term AVHRR NDVI and North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) in the United States, 1981–2013. Applied Geography. 104:10-20. 2019-03-01
- Capitalizing on a Wealth of Spatial Information: Improving Biogeographic Regionalization Through the Use of Spatial Clustering. Applied Geography. 99:98-108. 2018-10-01
- Flood Simulation in South Carolina Watersheds Using Different Precipitation Inputs. Advances in Meteorology. 2018-07-01
- Detecting Spatial Community Structure in Movements. International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 32:7. 2018-02-01
- An Area-based Approach for Estimating Extreme Precipitation Probability. Geographical Analysis. 50:314-333. 2018-01-01
- Modeling Hydrologic Connectivity and Virtual Fish Movement across a Large Southeastern Floodplain, USA. Aquatic Science. 80:5. 2018-01-01
- Detrending Crop Yield Data for Spatial Visualization of Drought Impacts in the United States, 1895–2014. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 237-238:196-208. 2017-05-01
- Characterizing Spatial–Temporal Changes of Soil and Crop Parameters for Precision Management in a Coastal Rainfed Agroecosystem. Soil Fertility & Crop Nutrition. 108:2462-2477. 2016-11-01
- Geostatistical Monitoring of Soil Salinity for Precision Management Using Proximally Sensed Electromagnetic Induction (EMI) Method. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75:1362. 2016-10-01
- Quantifying Animal Trajectories Using Spatial Aggregation and Sequence Analysis – A Case Study of Differentiating Trajectories of Multiple Species. Geographical Analysis. 48:275-291. 2016-07-01
- Digital Mapping of Soil Salinity and Crop Yield Across a Coastal Agricultural Landscape Using Repeated Electromagnetic Induction (EMI). PLoS ONE. 11:e0153377. 2016-05-01
- Assessment of NARCCAP Model in Simulating Rainfall Extremes Using a Spatially Constrained Regionalization Method. International Journal of Climatology. 36:2368-2378. 2016-04-01
- Uncovering Food Web Structure Using a Novel Trophic Similarity Measure. Ecological Informatics. 30:110-118. 2015-10-01
- Evaluation of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimating Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Coastal Salt-affected Mud Farmland. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 15:902-916. 2015-01-01
- Flooding and Surface Connectivity of Taxodium-Nyssa Swamps in a Southern Floodplain Forest System. River Research and Applications. 31:1299-1310. 2015-01-01
- Determination of Site-Specific Management Zones Using Soil Physico-Chemical Properties and Crop Yields in Coastal Reclaimed Farmland. Geoderma. 232:381-393. 2014-06-01
- Soil-Quality-Index Model for Assessing the Impact of Groundwater on Soil in an Intensively Farmed Coastal Area of E China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science. 177:330-342. 2014-06-01
- Comparison of Statistical Prediction Methods for Characterizing the Spatial Variability of Apparent Electrical Conductivity in Coastal Salt-Affected Farmland. Environmental Earth Science. 71:233-243. 2014-01-01