Dark-Freudeman, Alissa Renee
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Teaching (with) Fortitude: Addressing End-of-Life and Advance Care Planning through an Interdisciplinary Lens,
Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting 2024 2024-11-01
Contemplating Mortality: Exploring Possible Selves Related to Dying, Death, and Loss.,
Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology Annual Meeting 2023-03-01
Avoidance to Awareness: A Conversation on Dying and Loss in Research, Practice, and Our Own Lives,
American Psychological Association’s annual meeting 2022-08-01
COVID-19 and Older Adults: COVID Anxiety Is Associated with Poorer Coping Skills and Mental Health.,
American Psychological Association’s annual meeting 2022-08-01
Thinking About the Future: End-of-Life Possible Selves, Self-Efficacy, and Death Attitudes,
American Psychological Association’s annual meeting 2022-08-01
COVID-19, Fear of Death, and COVID distress: A Mixed Methods Study.,
Association for Death Education and Counseling’s annual meeting 2022-04-01
COVID-19 and possible selves: Health and death selves over time.,
American Psychological Association’s annual meeting 2021-08-01
A mindfulness intervention for older adults in skilled nursing facilities,
ABCT 2020-11-01
The dying, dead, or bereaved self: Exploring the prevalence of death-related possible selves.,
American Psychological Association convention 2020-08-01
A Mindfulness based Intervention adapted for Skilled Nursing Facility Residents,
annual meeting for Association for Cognitive and Behavior Therapies 2020-05-01
Preliminary findings from a comparison of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) with music relaxation in skilled nursing facilities.,
American Psychological Association convention 2019-08-01
The Impact of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction in Skilled Nursing: A Pilot Study.,
American Psychological Association convention 2018-08-01
Possible Selves, Self-Regulatory Beliefs, and Depressive Symptoms: A Preliminary Study.,
American Psychological Association convention 2017-08-01
Thinking About the End: Exploring the Relationship Between Death Selves and Fear of Death.,
American Psychological Association convention 2017-08-01
Death Memories & Meaning Making: The Challenges of Qualitative Coding,
Annual Psychology Student Poster Session, NC Psychology Foundation 2017-04-29
Death Memories, Meaning Making, & Death Anxiety,
The Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference 2017-04-06
Death Memories & Meaning Making: The Challenges of Qualitative Coding,
The Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference 2017-04-05
Death Memories & Meaning Making: The Challenges of Qualitative Coding,
Colonial Academic Alliance Undergraduate Research Symposium 2017-04-01
The Role of Impulsivity and Sexual Values in Mexican Adolescent Sexuality 2017-04-01
The Role of Impulsivity and Sexual Values in Mexican Adolescent Sexuality.,
The Society for Research in Child Development 2017-04-01
Death Memories & Meaning Making: The Challenges of Qualitative Coding,
Showcase of Student Research and Creativity 2017-03-28
The dying and bereaved self: Death selves and death anxiety.,
Association for Death Education and Counseling’s annual meeting 2016-04-01
Contemplating exclusion: Rumination mediates the influence of ostracism on depression and self-concept confusion in the elderly,
37th annual conference of the Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists 2015-10-01
Contemplating exclusion: Rumination mediates the influence of ostracism on depression and self-concept confusion in the elderly. ,
Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists annual meeting 2015-10-01
Mindfulness: Is it all in your head?,
OSHER Lifelong Learning Institute 2015-09-01
Types of Social Selves: The Influence of Age, Health, and Well-Being.,
APA Annual Convention 2015-08-09
Types of social selves: The importance of age, health, and well-being. Poster presented at the annual convention for the American Psychological ,
annual convention for the American Psychological Association 2015-08-01
Social selves and well-being: Are they related?,
American Psychological Association convention 2015-08-01
Types of social selves: The influence of age, health, and well-being.,
American Psychological Association convention 2015-08-01
Barriers to Parent-child Communication about Sex, Monitoring and Sexual Behavior among Mexican Adolescents. 2015-03-01
Barriers to Parent-child Communication about Sex, Monitoring and Sexual Behavior among Mexican Adolescents.,
Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Conference 2015-03-01
Barriers to Parent-child Communication about Sex, Monitoring and Sexual Behavior among Mexican Adolescents. ,
The Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Conference 2015-03-01
Barriers to parent-child communication about sex, monitoring and sexual behavior among Mexican adolescents.,
Society for Research on Child Development’s Biennial Meeting 2015-03-01
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy annual convention 2014-11-01
Alcohol and prescription drug use among older adults in relation to health, negative consequences, and working memory. ,
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual convention. 2014-11-01
Caregiving, attachment, and well-being.,
American Psychological Association convention 2014-08-01
Research Overview
Possible Selves in Adulthood
Psychological Well-Being in Adulthood
Death Attitudes and Death Anxiety
End of Life Goals and Preferences
Investigator On
Teaching Overview
Lifespan Human Development
Adult Development and Aging
Psychology of Death and Dying