Selected Publications
Academic Article
- A newly discovered trematode parasite infecting the bay scallop, Argopecten irradians. Aquaculture. 589:740960. 2024-01-01
- Seasonality and disturbance recovery of the epibenthic community on a warm-temperate hard bottom.. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 524. 2020-01-01
- Seasonal diversity and composition of epibenthic organisms on a North Carolina, USA continental shelf hard bottom. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 24:196-202. 2018-01-01
- Morphology and phylogenetic systematics of Ptilocladiopsis horrida and proposal of the Ptilocladiopsidaceae fam. nov. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Phycologia. 53:383-395. 2014-01-01
- Native fish community structure and Indo-Pacific lionfish (Pterois volitans) densities along a depth-temperature gradient in Onslow Bay, North Carolina, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 509:241-254. 2014-01-01
- Prevalence of the invasive rhizocephalan parasite Loxothylacus panopaei in Eurypanopeus depressus and genetic relationships of the parasite in North and South Carolina.. Journal of Parasitology. 100:447-454. 2014-01-01
- Studies of Costa Rican Gelidiales (Florideophyceae): II. Two Pacific taxa including Gelidium microglossum sp. nov.. Pacific Science. 68:97-110. 2014-01-01
- Characterization of 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci from invasive lionfish (Pterois volitans and P. miles). Conservation Genetics Resources. 2013-02-01
- Studies of North Carolina marine algae XIII. Frist reports of the genus Cottoniella (Rhodophyta, Sarcomeniaceae).. Marine Biodiversity Records. 6:7 pp. 2013-01-01
- Vegetative and reproductive development of Mediterranean Gulsonia nodulosa (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta) and its genetic affinities. Phycologia. 52:357-367. 2013-01-01
- Estimates of nuclear DNA content in red algal lineages. AoB Plants. 2012. 2012-01-01
- First report of Halopeltis (Rhodophyta, Rhodymeniaceae) from the non-tropical Northern Hemisphere: H. adnata (Okamura comb. nov. from Korea, and H. pellucida sp. nov. and H. willisii sp. nov. fromt he North Atlantic. Algae. 27:95-108. 2012-01-01
- Reconstructing the lionfish invasion of the Western Atlantic. Journal of Biogeography. 38:1281-1293. 2011-01-01
- Taxonomic notes on five species of Polysiphonia sensu lato (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) from the Caribbean. Botanica Marina. 54:269-292. 2011-01-01
- DNA barcoding in the red algal order Gelidiales: comparison of COI with rbcL and verification of the "barcoding gap". Cryptogamie Algologie. 31:435-449. 2010-10-01
- Two new species of Polysiphonia (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae) from the western Atlantic. Botanic Marina. 53:301-311. 2010-08-01
- Vegetative, reproductive and molecular characterization of Gloiocladia microspora (Faucheaceae, Rhodophyta). European Journal of Phycology. 45:63-78. 2010-02-01
- Utility of FTA cards for the preservation of marine green and red algal DNA. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences. 125:103-106. 2009-07-01
- Gracilaria hummii Hommersand et D.W. Freshwater sp. nov. (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta), a new name for the agarophyte "Gracilaria confervoides" harvested in North Carolina during World War II. Journal of Phycology. 45:503-516. 2009-04-01
- Bringing molecular tools into environmental resource management: Untangling the molecules to policy pathway. PloS Biology. 7:doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000069. 2009-03-01
- Mitochondrial control region sequence analyses indicate dispersal from the US East Coast as the source of the invasive Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans in the Bahamas. Marine Biology. 156:1213-1221. 2009-01-01
- Molecular evidence that the lionfishes Pterois miles and Pterois volitans are distinct species. Journal of the North Carolina Academy of Sciences. 125:39-46. 2009-01-01
- Rediscovery of Gelidiella ramellosa (Kutzing) Feldmann et Hamel from near the type locality in Western Australia. Cryptogamie Algologie. 30:3-16. 2009-01-01
- Consistency of morphological characters used to delimit Polysiphonia sensu lato species (Ceramiales, Florideophyceae): Analyses of North Carolina, USA specimens.. Phycologia. 47:541-559. 2008-11-01
- The red algal genus Gelidiella (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) from Taiwan, including Gelidiella fanii sp. nov.. Phycologia. 47:168-176. 2008-03-01
- Megagametogenesis in Halophila johnsonii, a threatened seagrass with no known seeds, and the seed-producing Halophila decipiens (Hydrocaritaceae).. Aquatic Botany. 88:277-282. 2008-01-01
- Phenotypic variation of lionfish supraocular tentacles. Environmental Biology of Fishes. 83:237-241. 2008-01-01
- MASJI-1: A.L.G.A.E. (Always Looking Good And Enthusiastic), publicly available DNA sequence and specimen data for marine algae of the San Juan Islands. Barcode of Life Data Systems. 2014-08-01
- Field Guide to Common Marine Algae of the Bocas del Toro Area, 1st edition. Smithsonian Tropicl Research Institute. 51 pp.. 2008-07-01