DeVall, Kristen E
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Promoting the Use of Recovery-Oriented Language: Why Words Matter.,
17th Annual Problem-Solving Court Symposium 2021-12-01
Recovery Oriented Language: Why Words Matter.,
National Association of Drug Court Professionals’ Annual Conference 2021-08-01
Say Yes to the Dress: How to Pick the Right Training for You,
National Association of Drug Court Professionals’ Annual Conference. National Harbor 2021-08-01
Grant Writing and Sustainability,
Minnesota Annual Statewide Conference 2021-02-01
Making Data Work For You.,
Tribal Law and Policy Institute Enhancement Training 2020-09-01
A State-wide Analysis Comparing Long-term Recidivism Among Treatment Court Participants & Probationers,
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2019-11-01
Measuring the Impact of Community Engagement: The What & How? ,
Engaged Scholarship Consortium Conference 2019-10-01
Understanding Areas of Risk & Need Among Female Offenders: Translating Research to Practice,
Forum on Criminal Justice annual meeting 2019-09-01
A State-wide Analysis Comparing Long-term Recidivism Among Treatment Court Participants & Probationers,
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2019-03-01
Democracy as Pedagogy: Designing Learning Experiences for Civic Engagement,
Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) conference 2019-02-01
Cross discipline collaboration special attention to research and praxis (roundtable),
American Society of Criminology annual meeting 2018-11-01
Civic-Minded Teaching,
CTE/CFL Workshop Series 2018-04-01
Civic-Minded Teaching: Designing Quality Learning Experiences and Deliberative Scholarship 2018-04-01
Understanding Areas of Risk & Need Among Female Offenders: Translating Research to Practice,
National TASC Conference 2018-04-01
Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Designing Applied Learning Experiences for Civic and Democratic Engagement,
12th Annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education (CALHE) 2018-03-01
Intensive Supervision Programs and Recidivism: How Michigan Successfully Targets High- Risk Offenders.,
American Society of Criminology 2017-11-01
Intensive Supervision Programs and Recidivism: How Michigan Successfully Targets High-Risk Offenders.,
American Society of Criminology annual meeting 2017-11-01
What Works: Treating Female Offenders.,
North Carolina Substance Abuse Professional Practice Board Annual Training 2017-03-01
Increasing the Effectiveness of Community Supervision: What & How?,
American Probabation & Parole Association (APPA) 2016-08-01
How'd You Do It?: Understanding Drug Treatment Court Success Among Participants with Methamphetamine Use Disorders,
National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) 2016-06-01
Drug Treatment Courts: Women, Success, & Recidivism,
American Society of Criminology (ASC) 2015-11-01
What Works: Treating Female Offenders,
Addiction Professionals of North Carolina (APNC) 2015-10-01
HomeWork: What To Do About The Social Effects of Concentrated Incarceration on People & Places?,
Society for the Study of Social Problems (SSSP) 2015-08-01
Drug treatment Success and Recidivism in a Rural Community: An Examination of Demographic, Programmatic, and Community-Level Factors.,
Southern Sociological Society meeting 2014-04-01
Cultivating Community Engagement through Applied Learning: An Innovative, Campus-Wide Model,
Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement Conference 2014 Conference 2014-02-01
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL): Cultivating Opportunities within the Applied Learning and Teaching Community,
ETEAL Event Series 2013-11-01
Designing Quality Field Experiences,
Center for Teaching Excellence Workshop Series 2013-10-01
ETEAL-Supported Pedagogy Initiative 2013 Cohort Kick-Off,
Faculty Fellow facilitator for the ETEAL Event Series 2013-09-01
Up to the TASC? An Assessment of Recidivism amongst Drug Treatment Clients in North Carolina,
North Carolina Criminal Justice Association 2013-02-01
Evaluation of Outcomes in a Statewide Sample of TASC Clients,
American Society of Criminology 2012-11-01
Recidivism Amongst a Sample of Drug Treatment Clients in North Carolina,
Conference on Southern Sociology in the 21st Century 2012-09-21
Pubilic Sociology in the South,
Southern Sociological Society 2012-03-23
"I Don't Understand Why I'm Failing This Class: Socialization & Entitlement Contests",
Southern Sociological Society 2012-03-22
Drug Courts & Basic Human Needs: Wolves in Sheep Clothing?,
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2012-03-15
"I Don't Understand Why I'm Failing This Class: Socialization & Entitlement Contests",
Brown Bag Colloquium 2012-03-07
Predicting the Successful Completion of a Drug Court Program,
Brown Bag Colloquium 2012-01-25
Predicting the Successful Completion of a Drug Court Program,
American Society of Criminology
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