Selected Publications
Academic Article
- The Social Reconstruction of HIV/AIDS: Implications for Reducing Public and Structural Forms of Mental Illness Stigma. Social Work in Mental Health. 1-20. 2024-11-01
- Factors influencing policymaker decision making in the behavioral health-related legislative process: A scoping review. Social Work in Mental Health. 21:587-605. 2023-03-01
- Predictors of structural stigma in state mental health legislation during the Trump administration. Social Work in Mental Health. 21:1-27. 2022-04-01
- The impact of structural stigma and other factors on state mental health legislative outcomes during the Trump administration. Stigma and Health. 6:476-486. 2021-07-01
- Adverse childhood experiences and e-cigarette use during young adulthood. The American Journal on Addictions. 28:303-310. 2019-05-01
- Profiles of adverse childhood experiences and impulsivity. Child Abuse & Neglect. 85:118-126. 2018-11-01
- Patterns of adverse childhood experiences and substance use among young adults: A latent class analysis. Addictive Behaviors. 78:187-192. 2018-03-01
- Safe sleep for babies: Why are blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals bad for your babies? (Research brief). . 2019-01-01
- Sleep-related infant deaths and safe sleep practices: The Longitudinal Infant and Family Environment (LIFE) study (Research brief). . 2018-01-01
- The impact of family-to-family centers on parents of children with special needs in the Commonwealth of Virginia (Research brief). . 2014-01-01
- Young children in Virginia with hearing loss: Early intervention, local network coordinators, and guide by your side (Research brief). . 2013-01-01