Cardenas, Jes Fyall
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Supporting virtual special education students during the COVID-19 pandemic: The impact parental stress and media attitudes have on media parenting strategies,
National Association for the Education of Young Children Conference 2022-11-01
When parity comes to play: new and experienced mother’s relationships with their child care providers,
National Council on Family Relations Conference 2022-11-01
Connecting with Caregivers: Support Meets Well-Being,
North Carolina Association for Infant Mental Health Statewide Quarterly Training Webinar 2022-09-01
Maternal Well-Being During InitialTransition to Childcare: Impact of Providers.,
Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF)National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2022-06-01
Parent perspectives ofchildren’s media technology use during the shelter-in-place period of Covid-19 and the transitionto virtual learning.,
Administration for Children and Families’ (ACF) National Research Conference on Early Childhood 2022-06-01
Predictors of parental mediamediation during the pandemic,
International Communication Association Conference 2022-05-01
Reaching Parents: Foundational Interactions in EarlyChildhood Education,
Southern Early Childhood Association Annual Conference 2022-02-01
Teacher-Parent Relationships: Strategies to Build the School-HomeContinuum,
The Marjie Collins Early Connections for Lifelong Learning Conference 2022-02-01
Emotional social support from childcare providers and maternal well-being: Meaningful impact in early relationships,
Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Conference 2021-04-01
Social Support from Childcare Providers and Maternal WellBeing: Finding Relationships That Matter,
Society for Research in Human Development Conference 2020-04-01
Social Support from Childcare Providers and MaternalWell Being: Finding Relationships That Matter,
Society for Research in HumanDevelopment Conference 2020-03-01
Perpetuating Risks: An Ecological Perspective of the Perinatal Period in the United States,
Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health 21st International Congress 2019-11-01
Building Classroom Unity by Sharing Diverse Lived Experiences,
Family Science Association Teaching Family Science Conference 2019-06-01
Engaging the group by honoring the individual first: Insights from teaching human sciences,
Advancing Teaching & Learning Conference 2019-04-01
The Impact of Early Childcare and Parenting Stress on Maternal Depression Symptoms: Insights from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study,
Society for Research in Human Development Conference 2018-04-01
Keynote Presentation, Families from Conception to Kindergarten: Understanding the Developmental Processes Across Transitional Periods,
First3Years Annual Infant Mental Health Meeting and Conference 2017-09-01
What is Infant Mental Health?,
Covenant Children’s Hospital 2017-08-01
Health and Human Services Commission &Department ofFamily and Protective Services Texas Home Visiting 2-Day Conferences(Presenter) Topic: Family Dynamics and Systems ,
Health and Human Services Commission &Department ofFamily and Protective Services Texas Home Visiting 2-Day Conferences 2017-07-01
Risk and Protective Antecedents of Children’s Adjustment Following the Birth of a Sibling: Child, Mother, and Dyadic Factors,
Society for Research in Child Development Conference 2017-04-01