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Interprofessional Education: Benefits, Barriers, and Outcomes,
2014 Nursing Development Conference: Spreading Our Wings – Southeastern Area Health Education Center 2014-08-01
Assessing Quality and Quantity of Physical Education in Idaho and Idaho Schools Body Mass Index (BMI) Assessment,
Idaho Coordinated School Health Program Legislative Fitness Day 2010-01-01
Body mass index prevalence estimates of a statewide monitoring initiative in Idaho,
2010 American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2010-01-01
Effects of barefoot and shod running on joint kinetics with control of stride length and velocity.,
Northwest Biomechanics Symposium 2010-01-01
Physical Education & Weight Status in Idaho,
Idaho Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, & Dance 2009-10-01
Metabolic cost comparison between submaximal land (TM) and aquatic (ATM) treadmill exercise,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2007-01-01
Acute effects of various weighted bat warm-up protocols on baseball bat velocity.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2006-01-01
Determination of optimal WBV amplitude and frequency on lower extremity power output and EMGrms activity,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2006-01-01
Muscle activation during elliptical trainer and recumbent bike exercise,
Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2005-01-01
Muscle activation during elliptical trainer and recumbent bike exercise,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2005-01-01
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during elliptical trainer, treadmill, and recumbent bike exercise,
Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2005-01-01
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during elliptical trainer, treadmill, and recumbent bike exercise. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2005-01-01
Strength curves: Applications in conditioning and rehabilitation,
Idaho Athletic Trainers Association 2005-01-01
Thermoregulation in shallow water aquatic exercise during second trimester pregnancy,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2005-01-01
Effect of varying stride length on cardiorespiratory response during elliptical trainer exercise,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2004-01-01
New Zealand deer antler velvet and resistance training impact on body composition, aerobic capacity, and strength,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2004-01-01
The effect of prior contractile activity on power output. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2004-01-01
Prediction of exercise stage from exercise identity and exercise efficacy among elderly black and white women. ,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 2003-01-01
Strength curve comparisons between gender for shoulder internal and external rotation,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2003-01-01
The metabolic cost and muscle activation effects of piano playing with and without Finger Weights.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2003-01-01
). A comparison of interval vs. steady-state exercise on substrate utilization in overweight women.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2002-01-01
Activation of lower extremity muscles during elliptical training,
Northwest American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2002-01-01
Examining the ASEP coaching standards from a scientific perspective: Are youth sport coaches adequately prepared? ,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 2002-01-01
Legal issues associated with coaching youth sports,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 2002-01-01
Lower extremity muscle activation during elliptical trainer exercise.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2002-01-01
Measurement of balance in black and white elderly women,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2002-01-01
). Effects of 12 weeks of progressive resistance training on the 12-minute walk in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
A comparison of balance between elderly black and white women.,
Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society 2001-01-01
A comparison of high intensity vs. low intensity exercise on body composition in overweight women,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
An electromyographic comparison of abdominal muscle activation between curl-up and reverse curl-up exercises performed on a therapy ball and the floor.,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
Effects of 12 weeks of progressive resistance training on bone density in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). ,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
Effects of 12 weeks of progressive resistance training on pulmonary function (PF) in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
Physiological effects of 12 weeks of progressive resistance training on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
Physiological effects of 12 weeks of progressive resistance training on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2001-01-01
Knee joint strength in older adults transitioning to frailty.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2000-01-01
Movement strategies and gait related biomechanics in older adults transitioning to frailty,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2000-01-01
The accuracy between the clinical examination and magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing knee injuries,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 2000-01-01
Knee flexion and extension strength in older adults transitioning to frailty. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1999-01-01
). Metabolic power, time of foot contact, and cost coefficient during graded running. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1998-01-01
A comparison of eversion ankle function between normal and chronically-sprained ankles. ,
Southeastern American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1998-01-01
The effect of incline angle on EMG activity of upper extremity muscles during the push-up exercise,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1998-01-01
Metabolic power, time of foot contact, and cost coefficient during horizontal running.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1997-01-01
Metabolic power, time of foot contact, and cost coefficient during horizontal running.,
Ohio Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1997-01-01
Validity of the ACSM equations for estimating oxygen consumption for cardiac patients,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1997-01-01
Differentiated RPE and physiological responses to aerobic dance steps varied by arm work and impact. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1996-01-01
The effects of grade on the cost coefficient during human running,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1996-01-01
The relationship between economy and the mechanics and physiology of running, race walking, and walking at 4.5 mph,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1995-01-01
Issues in energetics,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1994-01-01
Metabolic responses to four aerobic dance steps choreographed by impact, cadence, and arm level. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1994-01-01
Metabolic responses to four aerobic dance steps choreographed by impact, cadence, and arm level. ,
Ohio Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1994-01-01
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and metabolic responses of females during aerobic dance exercise. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1994-01-01
Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and metabolic responses of females during aerobic dance exercise. ,
Ohio Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1994-01-01
Why energetics? ,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1994-01-01
Energy cost and qualitative change in motor development. ,
Motor Development Research Consortium 1993-01-01
Energy cost and qualitative change in motor development. ,
Third Annual Research Seminar, University of Toledo 1993-01-01
Ground reaction forces associated with aerobic dance maneuvers: High-impact, low-impact, and low-impact with hand-held weights,
American Alliance of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1993-01-01
Relationship between mechanical and physiological energy costs and efficiency of treadmill walking in active and inactive females,
EleventhInternational Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports 1993-01-01
The effect of activity level on the efficiency of females during walking. ,
the Research Development Council Poster Session, Bowling Green State University 1993-01-01
The effect of activity level on the efficiency of females during walking. ,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1992-01-01
The effect of activity level on the efficiency of females during walking. ,
Ohio Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance Conference 1992-01-01
The effect of activity level on the efficiency of females during walking. ,
Second Annual Research Seminar, Bowling Green State University 1992-01-01
). A three-dimensional kinematic comparison of kicking techniques between male and female soccer players,
Ninth International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports 1991-01-01
A three-dimensional kinematic analysis of three kicking techniques in female soccer players,
Ninth International Symposium on Biomechanics in Sports 1991-01-01
Impact strategies of gymnasts pre and post feedback.,
American College of Sports Medicine Conference 1991-01-01
Technique comparisons between hard and soft landings of young female gymnasts,
International Society of Biomechanics Conference 1989-01-01
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Teaching Overview
interprofessional health, anatomy, biomechanics, research methods