Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Environmental Justice Ethnography in the Classroom: Teaching Activism, Inspiring Involvement. Human Organization. 80:37-48. 2021-01-01
- Shifting the Contours of Public Engagement through Ethnographic Filmmaking: Politics, Im/migrant Policing, and Farmworker Health Made Visible. Visual Anthropology Review. 36:234-254. 2020-01-01
- Testing the Water, Challenging the Narratives of Sustainable Development: Student Volunteer Research Promoting Health in Rural Panama on the Edge of an 'Eco-playground'. Journal of Political Ecology. 25:65-79. 2018-01-01
- Using Ethnographic Video to Cast Light in the Shadows of Checkpoints. Practicing Anthropologist. 31-32. 2016-01-01
- Immigration Policing and Medical Care for Farmworkers: Uncertainties and Anxieties in the East Coast Migrant Stream. North American Dialogue. 17:13-30. 2014-01-01
- Cowboys and Indians and Comuneros: Policy-Positioned Ascriptions of Ethnicity, Identity, and History in Chile. Social Identities: Journal for the Study of Race, Nation, and Culture. 12:139-165. 2007-01-01
- Clandestine Artisans or Integrated Producers?: Standardization of Rural Livelihood in the Norte Chico, Chile. Culture & Agriculture. 26:38-51. 2004-01-01
- Organization and Advocacy in Rural Chile: Peasant-Worker Consciousness in the Transition to Democracy. Anthropology of Work Review. 23:25-30. 2002-01-01
- Neoliberalism and Commodity Production in Mexico. University Press of Colorado. 2012-06-01
- Lost in the Long Transition: Struggles for Social Justice in Neoliberal Chile. Lexington Books (Division of Rowman & Littlefield). 2009-10-01
- Resiliency in Hostile Environments: A Comunidad Agrícola in Chile’s Norte Chico. Lehigh University Press/Rowman & Littlefield. 2008-01-01
- Conclusion: Structural Adjustment, Structural Violence. University Press of Colorado. 2012-06-01
- The Neoliberal Transformation of Mexico. University Press of Colorado. 30+. 2012-06-01
- Theorizing Neoliberalism. . 2012-06-01
- Tracing the Trail of the Table Grapes: The Effects of Neoliberal Policies in Sonora, Mexico. . 2012-06-01
- Preface, Chapter One "Introduction: Enduring Contradictions of the Neoliberal State in Chile", Chapter Seven "Cultural History 'Written in the Marings': Political Ecology of Copper and Community in the 'Little North' in Lost in the Long Transition: Struggles for Social Justice in Neoliberal Chile. Lexington Books (Div of Rowman & Littlefield). 2009-10-01
- Review of “Life Without Lead: Contamination, Crisis, and Hope in Uruguay” by Daniel Renfrew. Anthropological Quarterly. 1619-1624. 2020-01-01
- Review of “They Leave Their Kidneys in the Fields: Illness, Injury, and Illegality among U.S. Farmworkers” by Sarah Bronwen Horton. Journal of Anthropological Research. 257-260. 2018-01-01
- Review of “Intimate Migrations: Gender, Family, and Illegality among Transnational Mexicans” by Deborah A. Boehm. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 901-903. 2013-01-01
- review of Linkages of Sustainability. Human Ecology. 161-163. 2012-10-01
- review of Capitalizing on Catastrophe: Neoliberal Strategies in Disaster by Nandini Gunewardena and Mark Schuller, eds. (Alta Mira 2008) Invited by journal to review. To be submitted May 2009.. Human Ecology. 313-316. 2009-12-01
- review of Stories of Globalization: Transnational Corporations, Resistance, and the State by Alessandro Bonanno and Douglas H. Constance (Penn State Press, 2008); Invited to review by journal, to be submitted May 2009.. Culture & Agriculture. 103-104. 2009-12-01