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Hydrology and microbial communities cause shifts in geochemistry and the oxic-anoxic interface in floodplain soils,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2021-12-01
Quantitative PCR,
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2021-11-01
Diverse subsurface Thaumarchaeota populations in hydrologically-variable floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics,
DOE Joint Genome Institute Genomics of Energy and Environment Meeting 2021-09-01
Metagenomic characterization of subsurface Thaumarchaeota populations in hydrologically-variable floodplain sediments,
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2021-08-01
SLAC Floodplain Hydro-Biogeochemistry SFA: Hydro-Biogeochemical Reactivity Across Interfaces in Riparian Floodplains Along Slate River, CO ,
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2021-08-01
Quantitative PCR,
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2021-05-01
The Wonder Archaea,
Guest Lecture at University of Florida 2021-02-01
Genome-resolved metagenomics reveals lineage-specific metabolic strategies within marine nitrifier subpopulations,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020-02-01
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2020-01-01
Stability of microbial communities through seasonal hydrological transitions and the resulting biogeochemical redox response,
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2019-12-01
Marine Thaumarchaeota ecotype diversity and water column position are important in predicting environmental relationships,
International Workshop on Geo-Omics of Archaea (IWGOA) 2019-10-01
Building an Inclusive Academia for Postdocs, by Postdocs,
National Postdoctoral Association Meeting 2019-04-01
Microbial profiling of the Monterey Bay upwelling system using genome-resolved metagenomics,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 14th Annual User Meeting 2019-04-01
SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Biogeochemical redox responses of soil microbial communities to seasonal hydrological transitions at Riverton, WY,
OE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2019-04-01
SLAC Groundwater Quality SFA: Impact of reduced zones and hydrological-biogeochemical coupling on solute transport and groundwater quality,
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2019-04-01
Microbial Signatures of Seasonal Redox Transitions in a Uranium-Contaminated Floodplain,
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2019-03-01
Microbial energetics, carbon, and the progression of redox reactions in flooded soils,
Goldschmidt 2018-08-01
Quantitative PCR,
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2018-05-01
Exploring Thaumarchaeal Ecotype Diversification in the Coastal Ocean Using Metagenomic, Metatranscriptomic, and Modeling Approaches,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 13th Annual User Meeting 2018-03-01
Impact of a changing environment on growth and transcription of a low-salinity ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeote,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 13th Annual User Meeting 2018-03-01
Depth and Season as Primary Drivers of Thaumarchaeota Ecotype Dynamics and Activity in Monterey Bay,
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018-02-01
Co-occurrence Networks Analysis of Time Series Data Reveals Potential Interactions Shaping Thaumarchaeal Ecotype Diversification in the Coastal Ocean Water Column,
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018-02-01
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2018-01-01
Dynamics of Thaumarchaeota Populations in Southeastern USA Coastal Waters,
Fifth International Conference of Nitrification 2017-07-01
Monitoring the response of a representative low-salinity ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeote to shifts in environmental conditions using physiological and proetomic approaches ,
American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017 2017-06-01
Monitoring the response of a representative low-salinity ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeote to shifts in environmental conditions using physiological and proetomic approaches,
American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2017 2017-06-01
Quantitative PCR,
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2017-05-01
Combining Molecular, Genomic, and Isotopic Techniques to Examine the Diversity and Activity of Marine Thaumarchaeota in Monterey Bay ,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 12th Annual User Meeting 2017-03-01
Response of a low-salinity ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeote to shifts in environemntal conditions,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 12th Annual User Meeting 2017-03-01
Spatiotemporal Community Dynamics of Nitrogen-Cycling Archaea and Bacteria in Monterey Bay, CA,
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2017 Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2017-02-01
Combining Molecular, Genomic, and Isotopic Techniques to Examine the Metabolism of Marine Thaumarchaeota in Monterey Bay and the California Current System,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 11th Annual User Meeting 2016-03-01
Monitoring the transcriptional response of a representative low-salinity ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeote to shifts in environmental conditions,
DOE Joint Genome Institute 11th Annual User’s Meeting 2016-03-01
Combining Molecular, Genomic, and Isotopic Techniques to Examine the Metabolism of Marine Thaumarchaeota in Monterey Bay and the California Current System,
2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016-02-01
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2016-01-01
Relating the diversity, abundance, and activity of ammonia-oxidizing communities to nitrification rates in the coastal ocean,
merican Geophysical Union 2015 Fall Meeting 2015-12-01
Physiology of the Nitrogen Cycle,
Guest Lecture at Stanford 2015-11-01
Molecular coupling between subsurface organic matter, sediment microbial processes, and uranium biogeochemistry,
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2015-04-01
Molecular pathways of U(VI) reduction in organic-rich sediments,
DOE Environmental System Science (ESS) PI Meeting 2015-04-01
Evidence for the direct oxidation of polyamine nitrogen by Thaumarchaeota-dominated marine nitrifying communities ,
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015-02-01
Oxidation of ammonia versus urea by marine nitrifying organisms,
Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2015-02-01
Hollibaugh. Elevated Ammonia Oxidation Rates in Antarctic Circumpolar Deep Water versus Winter Water,
Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium 2014-04-01
Oxidation of 15N Supplied as Ammonia, Urea or Amino Acids by Marine Bacterioplankton Communities,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014-02-01
Elevated Ammonia Oxidation Rates in Antarctic Circumpolar Deep Water versus Winter Water,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2014-02-01