Selected Publications
Academic Article
- A computational linguistic analysis of the anatomy of production, consumption, and diffusion of misinformation and authentic information in social media: The case of the COVID-19 pandemic. Discourse & Communication. 2023-12-01
- A Guide for Stakeholder Analysis in IS/IT Management and Research: The Case of Broadband Availability in Rural North Carolina. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 53:621-666. 2023-08-01
- A Cloud-based System for Scraping Data from Amazon Product Reviews at Scale (2022). Journal of Information Systems Applied Research. 15:24-34. 2022-10-01
- Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Initial Impact on the Defense Industrial Base. Journal of Information Systems Applied Research (JISAR). 15:17-29. 2022-07-01
- An Adaptive Machine Learning System for Predicting Recurrence of Child Maltreatment. Knowledge-Based Systems Journal. 227:107-164. 2021-06-01
- Anxiety, Job Satisfaction, Supervisor Support, and Turnover Intentions of Mid‐Career Nurses: A Structural Equation Model. Journal of Nursing Management. 2020-12-01
- Participatory Sensing or Sensing of Participation: Awareness and Privacy Concerns with Smart Device Applications.. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction. 3. 2020-01-01
- Daily Text Analytics of News and Social Media with Power BI. Annals of the MS in Computer Science and Information Systems at UNC Wilmington. 13. 2019-10-01
- The Soul of the Introductory Information Systems Course. Information Systems Education Journal. 17. 2019-10-01
- A rule-based semantic approach for data integration, standardization and dimensionality reduction utilizing the UMLS: Application to predicting bariatric surgery outcomes. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 106:84-90. 2019-03-01
- Information Technology (IT)-Enabled Crowdsourcing: A Conceptual Framework. Information Processing & Management. 57:102-135.