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From the sand bed to the free surface: an experimental study of waveinduced sediment transport over a sandbar 2026-11-03
Continuous Field Measurements of Dune Slumping during Storm Surges,
Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2024-09-08
Continuous observations of shoreface morphology and vessel wakes using a 3D LiDAR scanner,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas 2024-06-04
Quantifying the effects of vessel wakes on Battery Island, North Carolina,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference – Americas 2024-06-04
Breaking wave-induced rapid beach profile evolution in the inner surf and swash zones,
USCRP Monthly Member Mtg 2024-03-05
Infragravity wave dynamics during dune collision,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024-02-18
Continuous measurements of dune scarp erosion during storm impact using a linescanning, low-cost (LLC) LiDAR,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024-02-16
Evaluating the Accuracy of LiDAR Point Cloud Registration versus Ground Control Point Rectification for Coastal Mapping,
GSA Annual Meeting 2023-10-15
Low-cost LiDAR applications for observing coastal hydro-morphodynamics during extreme events,
Seminar Speaker Series 2023-09-22
Low-cost LiDAR applications for observing coastal hydro-morphodynamics during extreme events,
Workgroup Discussion 2023-05-16
Continuous Beach Morphology Observations under Active Storm Forcing using Compact 3D LiDAR Scanners,
Coastal Imaging Research Network (CIRN) Workshop 2023-05-10
Continuous Beach Morphology Observations under Active Storm Forcing Using Compact 3D Lidar Scanners,
Coastal Sediments 2023-04-11
Field observations of dune erosion with two artificially created dunes,
Coastal Sediments 2023-04-11
Beach Profile Evolution during Winter Storm Kenan using Compact 3D LiDAR.,
CSURF Spring Showcase of Research and Creativity 2023-04-01
Continuous Beach Morphology Observations under Active Storm Forcing using Compact 3D LiDAR Scanners,
AGU Fall Meeting 2022-12-12
The effect of Wave Obliquity on Dune Erosion: A Field Experiment,
Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2022-12-04
Continuous Beach Morphology Observations under Active Storm Forcing using Compact 3D LiDAR Scanners,
North Carolina Coastal Conference 2022-11-07
Instagrain: A standalone camera system for instant grain size analysis in the field,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2022-11-04
Low-cost LiDAR applications for observing coastal hydro-morphodynamics during extreme events,
Colloquium Speaker Series 2022-10-21
Dune Erosion during Storm Surges,
The REALDUNE/REFLEX Experiment at the Sand Engine. Building Coastal Resilience 2022-04-12
A 3D Printed Optical Granulometry Grain Size Analysis Camera System, SandCam,
CSURF Spring Showcase of Research and Creativity 2022-04-09
Continuous beach morphology observations under active storm forcing using LiDAR,
CSURF Spring Showcase of Research and Creativity 2022-04-09
Field observations of wave reflection during dune attack,
Dutch Coastal Days (NCK) 2022-03-12
A 3D printed optical granulometry grain size analysis camera system, SediNet-Cam,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
A Linescanning Low-Cost (LLC) LiDAR system for detecting shoreline evolution,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Applying a parametric model for barred equilibrium beach profiles to southeastern North Carolina barrier islands,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Comparing a low-cost 2D LiDAR to a solid-state 3D LiDAR by scanning bed evolution under double dam break driven swash,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Investigating sheet flow under a near-breaking transient wave,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Measuring beach profiles and water levels using a rapiddeployable Line-scanning, Low-Cost LiDAR System,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Wave measurements using a compact solid state LiDAR scanner in the surf zone,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2021-10-29
Beach profile and water level measurements using a rapid-deployable Line-scanning Low-Cost (LLC) LiDAR System,
ASBPA National Coastal Conference 2021-10-28
Modeling sheet flow driven by skewed-asymmetric shoaling waves using SedWaveFoam,
29th KSCOE Fall Meeting 2021-10-28
Rapid-response observations on barrier islands along Cape Fear, North Carolina during Hurricane Isaias,
ASBPA National Coastal Conference 2021-09-28
Beach profile evolution and wave runup detection using a rapid-deployable Line-scanning Low-Cost (LLC) LiDAR system,
Coastal Dynamics 2021-06-28
Investigating sheet flow under a near-breaking transient wave using a two-phase Eulerian sediment transport model,
Coastal Dynamics 2021-06-28
NSF Nearshore Extreme Event Reconnaissance (NEER) Association – Hydrodynamics and Geomorphology,
Shared Operational Research Logistics in the Nearshore Environment Workshop (SHORELINE21) 2021-04-26
Beach profile and water level measurements using a rapid-deployable Line- scanning,
Coastal Change and Total Water Levels Workgroup 2021-04-22
A low-cost storm surge observation camera (SSOC) for monitoring water levels and beach morphology during extreme events,
CSURF Spring Showcase of Research and Creativity 2021-04-21
Swash zone bed level variations using the new standalone Conductivity Concentration Profiler (CCP+) system,
CSURF Spring Showcase of Research and Creativity 2021-04-21
Into the Storm – The quest to measure a hurricane’s wrath,
College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) Stewardship Event 2021-03-30
A Linescanning, Low-Cost LiDAR system for continuous beach morphology observations,
AGU Fall Meeting 2020-12-07
A Line-scanning, Low-Cost (LLC) LiDAR System for Continuous Beach Morphology Observations during Extreme Events,
ASPBA National Coastal Conference 2020-10-13
Beach profile changes before and after Hurricane Isaias at Kure Beach, NC,
ASPBA National Coastal Conference 2020-10-13
Swash zone bed level variations using the new standalone Conductivity Concentration Profiler (CCP+) system,
ASPBA National Coastal Conference 2020-10-13
Distributed rapid-deploy sensor network for real-time measurement of waves and water levels during hurricane impact,
Ocean Visions: Coastal Flooding Workshop 2020-07-23
Variability of sediment observations across the sand-mud inner shelf near Ocean City Inlet,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019-12-09
Hydrodynamic and sediment observations across the sand-mud inner shelf near Ocean City Inlet,
AGU Fall Meeting 2019-12-09
Observations across the sand-mud inner shelf during the Multi-Phase Turbulence EXperiment (MPTEX),
GSA Annual Meeting 2019-09-22
A free-surface resolving Eulerian two-phase model and its application to sheet flow driven by surface waves,
Two-pHase modEling for Sediment dynamIcS (THESIS) Symposium 2019-09-17
In situ Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements over a Rippled Sand Bed,
Two-pHase modEling for Sediment dynamIcS (THESIS) Symposium 2019-09-17
Large-scale laboratory observations of sheet flow under breaking transient waves,
Two-pHase modEling for Sediment dynamIcS (THESIS) Symposium 2019-09-17
Probabilistic prediction of sediment resuspension using a Bayesian network,
Two-pHase modEling for Sediment dynamIcS (THESIS) Symposium 2019-09-17
Sheet Flow in the Swash and Surf Zones,
TwopHase modEling for Sediment dynamIcS (THESIS) Symposium 2019-09-17
Modeling sheet flow under breaking waves on a surf zone sandbar,
Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2019-07-30
Observations of horizontal and vertical sediment fluxes on a sandbar in the suspended and sheet flow layers,
Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering 2019-07-30
Cross-shore sediment transport processes over a laboratory sandbar,
Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) 2019-05-30
Adapting Laboratory Instrumentation to Observe Sand Ripple Dynamics in the Nearshore,
AGU Fall Meeting 2018-12-10
Field observations of internal waves and bottom boundary layer processes along the California inner shelf,
AGU Fall Meeting 2018-12-10
Observations of near bed turbulent production and dissipation on the inner shelf at Pt. Sal,
AGU Fall Meeting 2018-12-01
Observations of near bed turbulent production and dissipation on the inner shelf at Pt. Sal,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2018-11-08
Observations of sediment transport over a large-scale laboratory sandbar 2018-10-17
An Eulerian two-phase simulation of wave-induced sediment transport on a surf zone sandbar,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018-02-11
Field observations of turbulent bottom boundary layer processes along the inner shelf.,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018-02-11
Observations of munitions mobility during a nor’easter at Wallops Island,
AGU Fall Meeting 2017-12-10
An eulerian three-phase model for sheet flow under breaking waves,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2017-08-21
Large-scale experimental observations of wave-induced sediment transport over a surf zone sandbar,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2017-08-21
Large-scale experimental observations of wave-induced sediment transport over a surf zone sandbar,
Coastal Dynamics 2017-06-11
A numerical investigation of sheet flow under non-breaking and breaking waves,
Coastal Dynamics 2017-06-11
A numerical study of waveinduced sediment transport - coupling sedFoam and waves2Foam,
AGU Fall Meeting 2016-12-11
From the sand bed to the free surface: an experimental study of wave-induced sediment transport over a sandbar,
AGU Fall Meeting 2016-12-11
Instantaneous Sediment Bed Level Response to Wave-induced Pore-pressure Gradients on a Surf zone Sandbar,
AGU Fall Meeting 2016-12-11
Wave-induced sheet flow on a sandbar: roles of the pressure gradient and bed shear stress,
53rd Society of Engineering Science Technical Meeting 2016-10-02
Sediment transport processes on a large-scale laboratory sandbar 2016-09-26
Wave-induced sheet flow on a sandbar: roles of the pressure gradient and bed shear stress 2016-09-20
Large-scale experimental observations of wave-induced sheet flow on a sandbar: roles of bed shear stress and pressure gradient,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - Americas 2016-06-13
Sheet flow measurements on a surf zone sandbar under shoaling and breaking waves,
Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016-02-21
Near-bed sediment transport over a sandbar under breaking waves,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - North America 2015-07-27
The frictional nature of tidal propagation in channelized estuaries, with application to a tidal marsh in Delaware,
Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference - North America 2015-07-09
Modeling the response of a tidally-driven salt marsh with a complex channel network,
Delaware Wetlands Conference 2015-01-30
Principal Investigator On
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