Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Efficacy of Army Combat Fitness Test 12-Week Exercise Program Among Females. Military Medicine. 00. 2025-01-01
- Evaluating a 14-Week Neck Strengthening Protocol for Optimal Neuromuscular Indicators to Reduce the Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury. Sports Medicine and Health Science. 7:61-67. 2025-01-01
- Investigating the Impact of Learning Modality Shifts on K-12 Students' Physical Activity Participation during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The Physical Educator. 81:406-417. 2024-09-01
- Prevalence of Normal Weight Obesity Amongst Young Adults in the Southeastern United States. The Sport Journal. 24. 2024-09-01
- Comparative Review of Literature for Post-operative Care - Anterior Cruciate Ligament Surgical Type: Bone-patellar-bone & Semitendinosus Autografts. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Medicine. 10. 2024-05-01
- Interprofessional Simulations to Promote Spring Break Safety and Cultural Awareness for Healthcare Students. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation. 1-8. 2024-03-01
- Evaluating Neck Strengthening Protocols to Reduce the Incidence of Traumatic Brain Injury: Traditional Versus Nontraditional Neck Strengthening Techniques. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 38:1266-1274. 2023-12-01
- A Case Study: Examining Biological Sex Differences in a 14-Week Neck Strength Protocol for Optimal Neuromuscular Indicators to Reduce the Indication of Traumatic Brain Injury. Topics of Exercise Science and Kinesiology. 4. 2023-06-01
- Pilot Study: Awareness and Perceptions of K-12 Educators on the Signs and Symptoms of Type-1 Diabetes. International Journal of Nursing Health Care Science. 3:2023-248. 2023-05-01
- Efficacy of Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) 12-Week Virtual Exercise Program. Military Medicine. 12. 2022-12-01
- Ethical Considerations: A Discussion of Female Circumcisions & Mutilation. Should the Global Health Community Implement Culturally Sensitive Intervention Strategies?. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science. 02:161. 2022-11-01
- Social Determinants of Health in Pregnancy Related to U.S. Military Lifestyle. International Journal of Nursing and Health Care Science. 2:160. 2022-11-01
- Efficacy of a 6-Week Suspension Training Exercise Program on Fitness Components in Older Adults. International Journal of Exercise Science. 15:1168-1178. 2022-08-01
- Evaluating the Intra-Rater and Inter-Rater Reliability of Fixed Tension Scale Instrumentation for Determining Isometric Neck Strength. International Journal of Exercise Science (IJES). 14:563-577. 2021-04-01
- The Identification of Potential Risk Factors of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury among the Military Paratrooper and a Potential Intervention Strategy. The Sport Journal. 2021-02-01
- In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters. NSCA Coach. 6:6. 2019-11-01
- Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab Manual: A Rehabilitative Approach. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 2022-08-01
- Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lab Manual: A Rehabilitative Approach. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 2022-08-01
- Anatomy & Physiology 1 Lab Manual: A Rehabilitative Approach. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 2021-08-01
- Anatomy & Physiology 2 Lab Manual: A Rehabilitative Approach. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 2021-08-01
- Physical Exercise to Treat ADHD -- Clinical Handbook of ADHD Assessment and Treatment Across the Lifespan. Autism and Child Psychopathology Series. Springer Nature Publishing. 569-586. 2023-11-01
- Chapter 4 Muscular Fitness ; Chapter 5 Flexibility and Breath -- Physical Activity and Wellness. Top Hat.