Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Contrasting the American and European Approaches. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics. 17:36-41. 2020-12-01
- Physician-Assisted Suicide---Homicide or Death with Dignity?. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics. 15:150-154. 2019-02-01
- Basics of Estate Planning for New Accountants. New Accountant. 772:page 4, 21-23. 2017-04-01
- The Overtime Pay Issue in Public Accounting. The CPA Journal. 2015-12-01
- Feature Article: The Employment at Will Doctrine. The New Accountant. 759:12-15. 2014-02-01
- Employee Benefit Programs: What's In It For Me?. New Accountant. 14-17. 2010-08-01
- Series LLCs in Business and Tax Planning. Tax Adviser. 2010-01-01
- Accountant Legal Liability: The Perils of the Profession. New Accountant. 16-20. 2009-11-01
- Bankruptcy Law in Difficult Economic Times. The CPA Journal. 79:52-54. 2009-05-01
- Oregon’s Death with Dignity Act—Is this an Ethical Approach?. Ethics and Critical Thinking Journal. 2008:97-102. 2008-06-01
- The New Bankruptcy Rules and the Current Credit Crunch: What Students Need to Know. The New Accountant. 726:20. 2008-02-01
- State Tax Impacts of the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection. Journal of State Taxation. 24:5-10. 2005-12-01
- Bankruptcy Reform is Here. The Journal of Accountancy. 200:51-59. 2005-11-01
- New Law Toughens Rules For Avoiding Taxes Through Bankruptcy. Practical Tax Strategies. 75:260-268. 2005-11-01
- State Strategies for Dealing with Tax Shelters. Journal of State Taxation. 23:4 pages. 2005-04-01
- Limitations that Weaken The Tax Practitioner-Client Privilege. Executive’s Tax & Management Report. 67:6-7. 2004-12-01
- Tax Shelter Opinion Letters Have Come Under Attack. Practical Tax Strategies. 73:268-273. 2004-11-01
- Estate Planning Basics. The CPA Journal. 74:52-54. 2004-09-01
- Taxation of Damages from Securities Lawsuits. The Tax Advisor. 35:224-228. 2004-04-01
- Tax Shelters Under Attack. The CPA Journal. 73:20-25. 2003-08-01
- Litigation Support Liability: The Mattco Decision. The CPA Journal. 1995-03-01
- Gaining A New Balance in the Courts. Journal of Accountancy. 1994-08-01