Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Mapping Connections Across Layers: Interrelationships Between Key Factors and 15-Year-Old’s Reading Scores. Reading Psychology. 1-33. 2024-11-01
- Unlocking Adolescent Reading Achievement: The Impact of Teacher Characteristics and School Composition. SSRN Preprint. 2024-01-01
- Does infused ESOL teacher preparation hold promise towards narrowing the English Learner achievement gap? An analysis of the One-Plus model. Florida Journal of Educational Research. 59. 2022-01-01
- Focus on teacher education for closing English learner achievement gap: A study of one One-Plus model. Paper presented at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. 2021-01-01
- Do school and school district influence students’ performance on civics end-of-course assessment? A multilevel analysis. Florida Journal of Educational Research. 58:3-19. 2020-01-01
- Narrowing English Learner (EL) achievement gaps: A multilevel analysis of an EL-infused teacher preparation model [Doctoral dissertation. University of Central Florida]. Electronic Theses and Dissertation. 216. 2020-01-01
- What’s on your plate? Correlating subsidized lunch and proficiency on the civics end-of-course assessment. Educational Practice and Theory. 40:51-66. 2018-01-01
- Understanding disparities: Examining demographic, socioeconomic, and linguistic impacts on U.S. students’ outcomes in reading, math, and science. Advance. Preprint.
- Education matters: Data-driven decision making in Nepal’s education reform. Ratopati English. 2023-10-01
- Education matters: From theory to practice. Ratopati English. 2023-10-01
- Education matters: 21st century teaching. Ratopati English. 2023-09-01
- Education matters: Ethics, culture, and curriculum adjustment. Ratopati English. 2023-09-01
- Education matters: Nepal’s curriculum and global perspectives. Ratopati English. 2023-08-01
- Education matters: Rethinking assessment. Ratopati English. 2023-08-01
- Education matters: Empowering teachers. Ratopati English. 2023-07-01
- Education matters: Redefining success in education. Ratopati English. 2023-07-01
- Education matters: Unmasking the private school myth in Nepal. Ratopati English. 2023-07-01
- Education matters: Understanding Nepal’s education. Ratopati English. 2023-06-01
- From political scandals to fading attention: Demanding justice for the fake Bhutanese refugee crisis. Ratopati English. 2023-06-01
- The fake Bhutanese refugee crisis: Unraveling Nepal’s education declining and endangering our future. Ratopati English. 2023-05-01