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Lactate Clearance Among Competitive Swimmers,
ACSM Annual Meeting 2025-05-01
Retrieval Practice is a Powerful and Efficient Means by Which to Enhance Learning Both In and Out of the Classroom,
Center for Teaching Excellence 2024-10-01
Retrieval Enhances Higher and Lower Order Thinking in Anatomy and Physiology Students,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2021-04-01
Lactate transport in red blood cells,
the 10th International Congress of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry 2019-08-01
Retrieval practice enhances the recall and transfer of learning of physiology information,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2019-05-01
Retrieval practice enhances the recall and transfer of learning of physiology information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2019-04-01
Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Recovery Responses to Different Modes of Recovery Following Moderate Intensity Exercise in Females,
Texas Chapter of the American College of Sports Medicine 2019-02-01
Retrieval practice and JOLs enhance delayed recall and transfer of learning,
the annual Psychonomic Society meeting 2018-11-01
Retrieval-based learning enhances higher-order thinking in medical and exercise science students,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2018-06-01
Concussion Induces Temporary Cardiovascular Autonomic Dysfunction,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2017-06-01
How to choose an appropriate research design,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2017-04-01
Retrieval Practice is a Superior Method for Learning Anatomy and Physiology Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2017-04-01
Assessing and Enhancing Higher Order Thinking in Kinesiology Students,
the annual American Kinesiology Association meeting 2017-01-01
The Surprising Advantages of Retrieval Practice,
Georgia Southern University’s CT2 series 2016-10-01
Retrieval Practice Promotes Superior Recall of Kinesiology Information,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2016-06-01
The Testing Effect Varies with Spaced Versus Massed Learning of Skeletal Muscle Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2016-04-01
Capitalizing on the Testing Effect to Enhance Learning in the Classroom,
the annual SoTL Commons Conference 2016-03-01
The Effect of Selected Desirable Difficulties on Multiple Text Processing,
the annual SoTL Commons Conference 2016-03-01
Capitalizing on the Testing Effect to Enhance Learning in the Classroom,
the annual Hawaiian International Conference on Education meeting 2016-01-01
The Role of Prior Knowledge in the Testing Effect,
the annual Hawaiian International Conference on Education meeting 2016-01-01
Capitalizing on the Testing Effect to Enhance Learning in Kinesiology Courses,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2015-05-01
Variations in the Effectiveness of Testing Based Strategies on Recall in Kinesiology Students,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2015-05-01
Capitalizing on the Testing Effect to Enhance Learning in Kinesiology Courses,
the Annual SoTL Commons: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2015-03-01
Self-testing Produces Superior Recall of Both Familiar and Unfamiliar Muscle Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2015-03-01
Self-testing Promotes Superior Retention of Kinesiology Information,
the annual American College of Sports Medicine meeting 2014-05-01
Capitalizing on the “Testing Effect” to Enhance Learning in Anatomy and Physiology Courses,
Georgia Southern University Research Symposium 2014-04-01
Retrieval Practice Promotes Superior Retention of Kinesiology Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2014-04-01
Testing is a Superior Method of Learning Anatomy and Physiology Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2013-04-01
Misconceptions Pertaining to Lactate,
The Georgia Southern University Health and Kinesiology Seminar Series 2012-10-01
Allied Health Students' Perceptions of Learning in Undergraduate Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes,
International Journal of Arts and Sciences, American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines 2012-05-01
Expanding Versus Uniform Retrieval Practice and the Recall of Physiology Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2012-04-01
Student Perceptions of Meaningful Learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2012-04-01
Student Perceptions of Meaningful Learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes,
the Annual SoTL Commons: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2012-03-01
Student Perceptions of Meaningful Learning in Human Anatomy and Physiology Classes,
Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Regional Meeting 2012-03-01
“Desirable difficulties” and the Recall of Physiology Information,
the Annual SoTL Commons: A Conference for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2012-03-01
The Effect of Selected “Desirable Difficulty” Learning Strategies on Retention of Physiology Information,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2011-04-01
Investigation of the Virtual Exercise Physiology Laboratory program,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2010-04-01
Does Lactate Actually Prevent Metabolic Acidosis?,
The University of Florida Center for Exercise Science Seminar Series 2008-02-01
Skeletal Muscle Function with Acute Creatine Kinase Inhibition,
the annual Experimental Biology meeting 2007-05-01
Effects of Acute Creatine Kinase Inhibition on Skeletal Muscle O2 Uptake Kinetics,
the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine 2006-06-01
Metabolic Response Time of Canine Skeletal Muscle,
the annual meeting of The American College of Sports Medicine 2002-06-01
The Effect of Rhythmic Tetanic Skeletal Muscle Contractions On Peak Muscle Perfusion,
the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine 2002-06-01
The Effect of Rhythmic Tetanic Skeletal Muscle Contractions On Peak Muscle Perfusion,
The University of Florida Center for Exercise Science Seminar Series. 2002-02-01
Relationship Between Plasma and Whole Blood Lactate Concentrations In Various Exercise Protocols,
annual meeting of the Southeast American College of Sports Medicine 2000-01-01
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