Selected Publications
Academic Article
- Research Brief: Changes in Empathy of Pre-professional Healthcare Students from Matriculation to Graduation. International Journal for Human Caring. 25:203-205. 2021-09-01
- Reflections of Family Nurse Practitioner Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Nursing Education. 60:449-452. 2021-08-01
- Hearing Voices: An IPE Simulation to Increase Empathy among Pre-Professional Healthcare Student. International Journal for Human Caring. 24:233-236. 2020-10-01
- Interprofessional Education for Group Processes in Mental/Behavioral Health. Therapeutic Recreation Journal: ATRA Annual in Therapeutic Recreation. 54:439-455. 2020-10-01
- StudyGram: Meeting Students Where They Are. Journal of Nursing Education. 59:358. 2020-06-01
Conference Poster
- BED Head: What Binge Eating Disorder is and What it Isn’t. The American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2020-10-01
- StudyGram: Meeting Mental Health Students Where They Are. The American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2020-10-01
- Beyond the Manikin: Patient Perspective Live Action Role Play Simulation. The American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2019-10-01